Unconditional Happiness- Explore the happiness within

I was born 43 years ago in a small village in Goa, and I imagine it must have been one of the happiest moments for my parents, being their firstborn. I was especially close to my dad and, as a child, very active—he would lovingly call me the “boy in the house” because of all the mischievous things I got into.
Growing up on that beautiful island was magical, and my childhood is filled with memories of happiness, though at the time, I didn’t quite understand what true happiness meant. Happiness, for me, came in little bursts—when I got new clothes for my birthday, when I played with my dad and brother, or when the whole family followed our Sunday routines together. I also found happiness in the simple moments, like helping my father in the garden as he grew and watered plants or assisting him while he repaired radios. He used to call me his “assistant,” and I remember how proud that made me feel.
My mom would often bring me “Archies” to read, and I was happiest when playing with my friends—climbing trees and playing “house” with leaves and mud. For a long time, I believed these moments were the essence of happiness.
But life, as it always does, changed. When I lost my mother at the age of 14, it felt like the world had come crashing down around me. For a while, it seemed like everyone else in the world was happy except for me, and sadness became my constant companion. It took all my strength to move on, but I did. Even though we had all the material things we needed, the love and support I craved from someone so close was suddenly gone, and I felt lost. But life did not end; I had to keep going. I tried looking for happiness and thought that its impossible to find happiness .at that point in time I did not realize that it was internal and not external. I always depended on external things to make me happy.
In 2003, I joined Sunshine Worldwide School, which introduced me to a philosophy that would change my perspective. The school’s motto was “Live Unconditionally Happy,” and at first, I couldn’t understand how anyone could feel happy all the time. Life brings sorrow and challenges; surely, happiness couldn’t be a permanent state. But over time, I realized that happiness is a state of mind, and it lies within us. We don’t need external things or perfect moments to feel happy—we have to take control of our own happiness.
Once I internalized this philosophy, it became easier to approach life with balance. Happiness, I discovered, is a choice. For example, on a Sunday morning, I can choose how I want my day to be. I can lie in bed feeling sad, or I can get up, spend time with my family, and fill my day with things that bring me joy. It is up to me. when I keep my life’s remote control in my own hands I can switch off and switch on when I want.

So, if you want to be unconditionally happy, remember that happiness lies within you. There are no ifs or buts. It’s a choice we make every day. So, lets keep our life’s remote control in our own hands.


Have a blessed and unconditionally happy life.


– Patricia Brito.


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