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How Games Can Enhance Learning Process

Games are essential for a child’s development. It comes with many elements that aid students in their studies. Games are an excellent opportunity for children to put their abilities and knowledge into action in real-life situations. Learning is usually more enjoyable when there is a sense of fun involved. Educational games have been utilized in learning at a number of CBSE School in Goa. It is challenging for kindergarten schools in Goa to hold on to the attention span of children in school.  Games help make learning more interesting and exciting for children. As a result, games have played an important role in their education. Here are some ways how games can enhance the learning process:


Best International School in Goa Children are increasingly interested in games-based activities. They are the key to keeping students motivated and attentive. Students are excited to get involved and learn more. As a result of their increased attention, they are more focused. Competition and teamwork naturally inspire children, which can motivate them to grasp less popular subjects like algebra, and game-based learning can significantly interest students in the topic.


Every student has a limited attention span; however, games to play aid brain development by increasing attention span and making children more vigilant. Children are accustomed to the traditional method of learning; but, when games are incorporated into the learning process, they become enthralled by something new that is occurring and become riveted to and more interested in the class. 

Problem Solving

International Schools in Goa Games help children develop problem-solving abilities by encouraging them to try out new things. If you give kids a puzzle game, for example, they’ll keep trying new things until they figure out what works. Children’s confidence is boosted through trial and error in games, which helps them prepare for real-life difficulties. Games teach kids to think outside the box and make quick decisions.


Games enable kids to take risks, promote student participation, and promote social and emotional learning. The essence of a child’s self-esteem consists of how they feel and think about themselves. Winning in a game always makes the player happy, and even a game in the classroom can transform a child’s self-perception. They are more eager to win if they have already won. A few minor victories can go a long way toward promoting positive self-esteem.

Learning From Mistakes

At the end of every game, there is a winner or a loser. Games help a child be more self-aware of his mistakes. They are eager to win hence they will go back to ponder how they could have won. A child tends to brush off failure in order to win. This is a good quality for every child. It teaches them how to stand back up in the face of adversities. With enormous exam pressure and different changes in their schedule, they are bound to make mistakes but learning from these mistakes is the only thing that will help them move forward.

Learning environment

A child’s imagination is often sparked by being outside. They must physically step outside the box, relying on natural resources to put their creativity to the test. It encourages students to go outside and explore the natural world. With gross motor delays on the rise and more screen time due to increased technology use, it’s evident that pupils need more time outside learning. Including natural experiences in the curriculum can help students build methods to learning abilities and qualities like social skills, communication, motor development, imaginative thinking, problem solving and innovation.


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